Alpacas and llamas

Alpacas are very good-natured animals - with an affectionate nature that is categorised as calming. The animals can also be led by our guests without stress and hectic. Discover our animals during a meet & greet in the alpaca llama range.

What to expect at the Llama & Alpaca Meet & Greet:

All alpaca lovers can learn more about the cuddly animals during this exciting animal experience. You will spend about an hour in our llama-alpaca range and learn expert knowledge about the trusting animals and can stroke them and lead them on a lead (children up to the age of 15 must be accompanied by their parents).  

Contribution towards expenses: EUR 7 per person

Llamas & Alpacas Meet & Greet


What is the difference between a llama and an alpaca?

 1. The size
While llamas reach a shoulder height of up to 130 cm, alpacas usually have a shoulder height of up to 90 cm. In general, llamas are also more robustly built and can weigh up to 160 kg.  
2. The shape of the face
Alpacas have a more rounded and full face due to the wool, with a small nose and pointed ears. Llamas, on the other hand, have a more triangular head with a long nose and short fur around it. Llamas also have longer ears.
3. The wool
There is also a big difference in the wool. Alpacas are mainly bred for their exclusive and beautiful wool. The coat is beautifully even, dense and fine in texture. Llamas are pack animals, which is why their fur is shaggier and coarser than that of alpacas.


Your alpaca experience awaits