Incentives & Teambuilding Activities

Are you looking for something special for your company party or creative teambuilding activities for your seminar?

Then you have come to the right place. At the Nature and Wellness Hotel Höflehner there are numerous possibilities for organising your company celebrations, customer events or seminar programmes. From boot camps to meditations, alpaca hikes to wine tastings, there is certainly something for every occasion


Activities at a glance

Llama and alpaca yoga
Kickboxing (trial session)
Fit without equipment or circuit training
Progressive muscle relaxation
Yoga & Meditations
Aqua Fit
Wine and gin tastings
Guided hikes & bike tours
Torchlight hikes

Llama and Alpaca Yoga

Relaxing Yin Yoga session in the alpaca enclosure. Yin Yoga is a very calm meditative style of exercise that is very powerful in its effect. Through slow movements and longer stays in the individual yoga positions, we intensively stretch the fasciae throughout the body, regulate blood pressure and re-sort our thoughts. The animals have time to get closer, observe us and gain trust. Afterwards there is the possibility to cuddle with a llama.

Duration: 60 minutes, max. 10 participants

Kickboxing (taster session)

Here you get a small active insight into the basic training in boxing. Different punching and kicking techniques are tried out in pairs. This unit trains the senses, improves coordination and strengthens muscles. In addition, kickboxing has a liberating, releasing, almost therapeutic effect on the participants, as they can really let off steam and kick away old burdens.

Duration: 40-60 minutes (depending on preference), max. 10 participants


High-intensity strength endurance training in which all participants are pushed to their limits and beyond through targeted motivation. The atmosphere in boot camps is very special and exuberant due to the dynamics that develop in the group. Boot camps can take place indoors and outdoors.

Duration: 30-50 minutes (depending on your wishes)

There are no upper limits to the number of participants (at least 5 people to achieve the group effect)

Fit without equipment (circuit training)

Strengthening fitness training promotes general fitness. The exercises work the muscles throughout the body. This training can be done either as a guided group session or as circuit training with individual fitness stations.

Duration: 40-60 minutes (depending on preference), max. 20 participants

Progressive muscle relaxation

In this relaxation training, a state of complete muscle and deep relaxation is brought about by consciously tensing and relaxing the individual muscle groups. This should lead to an improvement in physical and mental well-being.

Duration: 30 minutes, unlimited number of participants

Yoga and meditations

Breathing meditation

With the help of wave breathing, participants learn to breathe correctly and completely again. They get a relaxation tool on their way that can bring order in chaotic situations, calm in stressful moments and sleep in restless nights.

Duration: 30 minutes, unlimited participants

Walking meditation

Walking meditation is an effective movement meditation in which the surroundings are explored in mindful silence - consciously focussed on the movements of the body and all sensory impressions from nature. We walk along the farm round and at the end we find ourselves on the yoga platforms in the middle of the forest to let the meditation come to an active end.

Duration: 60 minutes, max. 20 participants

Singing bowl relaxation

When the singing bowls are struck, vibrations are created which spread through the room, hit the body and then spread through the body in a pleasant vibrating way. Tension is released, the mind is calmed and the participants quickly enter a state of deep relaxation.

Duration: 30 minutes, max. 15 participants

Yoga for frequent sitters

Sitting is the new smoking. Sitting for long periods of time causes muscles to atrophy and shorten and fasciae to stick together. A predominantly sedentary occupation is often to blame for chronic tension and discomfort in the back. In this session, all affected structures are stretched, mobilised and cared for. An all-round wellness yoga for the entire musculoskeletal system.

Duration: 50-80 minutes (depending on preference), unlimited participants

Yoga Nidra

Yoga sleep, as this relaxation technique is translated, is a meditation that can lead to total deep relaxation and lasting rest through consciously approaching the state of sleep.

Duration: 30 minutes, unlimited number of participants

Power Yoga

Power Yoga is a very powerful style of yoga that strengthens the entire body - especially the core. The asanas are performed statically or dynamically combined to bring the body to full speed. Special breathing exercises act as a yoga espresso and let the participants end this session awake and full of energy.

Duration: 50 minutes, unlimited participants


A crisp fitness session in the water that improves stamina, trains the body and massages it through the movements in the water. The joints are spared and relieved, but the laughing muscles are tickled awake.

Duration: 30 minutes, max. 10 participants


Wine tasting

We are also happy to organise wine tastings with our sommelier for your seminar participants, customers or for corporate events.

Request seminar offer

In addition, our external partner teamazing is available to organise additional programmes for you on request. From Segway pleasure rides, fire walking, toboggan Grand Prix, Styrian Highland Games to numerous snow activities in our surroundings, no wishes are left unfulfilled. If you are interested, we will be happy to send you an appropriate offer!

You can find more information about experience building at the Höflehner here.

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